Strategy Maximizing Facebook Page For Business Online

Do you know according to data released by Kominfo currently internet users in Indonesia reached 63 million people and the number is certainly the day will continue to increase it will also increasingly easy to access the internet with the rise of mobile sales with more affordable prices.

And from so many internet users in Indonesia the average internet user 95 percent access social media to just play, selling, looking for news and so on.
Average social media users are people who do not have access like blogs and youtube but they love to update articles to just share stories.
The most sosila media users in the interest of the Indonesian people is facebook and according to the data we can now Indonesia reached the second sequence after USA with facebook users reach 41,777,240 users and social media is the two most interested is twitter.

For most people playing social media like facebook is can be hiburang but for some people facebook is one social media that can be a livelihood to earn money in it, Maximize facebook to sell online maybe some people have been thinking about it but if it is not soon We do we will only be the audience and can not maximize the social media.

The process we can do if we want to learn to get into the world of marketing social networking, I will explain some of the market strategy for this strategy in order to be easier to understand.

Market Analysis Before starting

If we want to plunge into the world of online business it would be nice we can see the market first before plunge directly, well what things we need to know?
Things like products that are popular among the people we can find, if we do not have our own products we can make sales with products that are currently often in search in the market.

Why do an online shop?

Online shop in my opinion is the process of utilizing effective social media nowadays, if the past people are reluctant to buy products online with the reason of fear in the hokey this is already starting to get rid of because the community itself has started smart choose - choose where the online shop Trusted and where online shop fraudsters.
And also buy online is a fast way without having to go out and can choose, asking at will and cancel in the heart at will.

Then how the next step to sell online using facebook?

1. Create a facebook page, Fan page

Facebook itself has issued a new product that is specifically used by social media lovers to share activities more freely different from facebook profiles that can only be friends with the limit only 5000 people facebook users facebook page or more in the know Indonesian people as Fanpage or facebook page users can Getting friends to millions of people without being restricted by followers.

Inside there are also features that can be used for selling such as store albums that can be utilized to display photos of our products.

Of course this will make social media users easier to manage it.
To get followers on Fan page is not easy. Maybe for some people is quite difficult to get 1000 followers in the fanpage that they make but actually very easy it is done, learn How to Move Like Facebook Fanpage Easiest with the science is guaranteed to get follower in the facebook page will be easier.

If there are still some who are still confused how to create their own facebook page, please read How to list new fb to create facebook page.

When this step we can do without any obstacles at all we will go to the next step.

2. Promotion of selling products

Promotion is a must-do step by the online shop owner, out there stout who spend money to millions just to do advertising a product, then how to minimize the capital?
Promotion does not always flush the capital there are some promotions that we can for free, we know facebook is the most social media in the interest of Indonesian people in it there are groups that make groups for just a whim or a lover of certain goods.

We can use a group on facebook to share products that we sell of course with a certain strategy with friendliness and follow the rules within the group so that we are not considered spam in the group.

Or also we can join the forum sites such as kaskus, tokopedia and others to market our products to be more broad and stout in the know people.
If we already have a customer and managed to buy our product, we will move on to the next step ..

3. Build good communication with buyers

Doing good communication is not only done by prospective buyers but we can also do it by our former buyers of our products, the purpose so that they feel appreciated and make them comfortable and willing to buy back our products.

Inverts that feel in deceit in the sense that the product they buy is not in accordance with the desire or the seller who is not friendly in the sale will actually make the seller increasingly losses, maybe for a small scale does not cause too big an effect but if it happens to every buyer it will lead to an online shop We will get lonely.

Conversely visitors who are satisfied with the service and the results of the goods it receives, do not hesitate buyers will come back again to buy our products and maybe buyers will tell others that our online shop recommendations for purchasing products.

4. Give each purchase a bonus

Bonus is a type of gift items that can be obtained by someone who bought our product, which does not like the preparation of bonuses even though the price is not much but without not we realize it from the stuff that is not how it will actually make consumers will come again to buy our products.

5. Give a module guide

Giving guidance we can do for certain goods that must be done in nature such as someone who do the sale of plant seeds, providing guidance such as guidance how to grow nuts when we sell goods such as peanut seeds. And this should be done so that buyers are not confused to start

6. Diligent to pray and always save

The last step that must be done, pray 'and always save for every result that we can for the business we do can grow.

Everything we do above is the basic technique of facebook marketing to do the first step in doing business in the world of facebook in a precise and fast way.