How to Fly Like Facebook Fanpage Easiest

As we know fanpage is one made fb that can be used to support promotional activities, in the virtual world many who use fanpage from start companies and individuals using fanpage / fb for promotional activities.

In order for promotional activities in fanpage running smoothly the first thing done is to multiply like as much as possible, this is not easy to do but most use the services like fanpage because in the sense it is quite difficult to do but for some people who know This trick can be done only with a matter of days can get thousands like.

This day also hit me for wanting to get like fanpage as much as possible and already various ways I do but there is only get a few just like that I get.

Thoughts to use services like Fanpage even I do, the first time I search through forums such as Kaskus, and googe, it turns out the price offered is very diverse ranging from 3$ to 10$ for per 1000 like him, the price is big enough I dismissed it when I found a special trick to get like fanpage up to thousands of like in just a few days that was to get like like 1000 I need more or less 1 year more now in a few days I can get like to thousands like that and also Can be targeted.

Here are some explanations that can be learned:

1. The first thing I do to build my fanpage in order to be targeted is to look for a group that will be the exact same topic that I use in my fanpage, because I'm wrestling in the brooch world then I'm looking for a group that essentially discusses my brooch using that group Not for the promotion of my stuff but I just looking for friendship whose fission is same with me that is like the brooch so the bottom line is the first time I do is get friends sebayak-my number in my personal fb whose mission is the same after the sense is enough to make a good friendship .

2. The next stage is to make fanpage, "suggestion for fanpage can get like easily should use new FP do not use old FP because I have tried to raise my old fp but very old but by using new fp can be easier"

3. Filling in a useful status, from my experience it's easier to get like uploading interesting photos than long status updates, I was looking for a tutorial on creating a brooch then I created an album in which I uploaded hundreds of tutorial bros using This way visitors more like and so that visitors are not in difficult to search the image should be in every album uploaded just anytime after the thought is too much for new album and use evocative name for easy in like.

4. Next is share on our facebook by writing a description "please Like, Share And comment" on the guarantee in a matter of days fanpage you can get a thousand like,

We recommend using a useful image that is in the search for more visitors feel the need so with so visitors memgap that your fanpage very useful and join in your fanpage.

When I have not used this method I was very difficult to get 1000 numbers only and when I use this way just 1 day I can get 1000 like, actually the point is in the image uploaded the more the image is interesting the more that will like your fanpage .

I make a second example of my second fanpage which in a day can get 3000 like, that time I try to fad upload some picture of fruit tree that has been fruitful, it is very interesting picture in my opinion surely many who are looking for its true In a day I was in the presence of 1000 like who asked the price of the tree when I was not selling, I would not just ignore the visitor's celebration until there are visitors from abroad who ask the price of the tree, well I ignore it, the range of visitors I Get in 3 days reach 9 million and incoming messages in my fp reach hundreds of thousands, really the numbers that I think big enough because previously I have never get this much like in fanpage with a matter of days.

From this experience many also bid my fb up to hundreds of thousands that I was confused looking for services like fanpage now even many who are looking and want to buy my fanpage.

From this experience many also bid my fb up to hundreds of thousands that I was confused looking for services like fanpage now even many who are looking and want to buy my fanpage.

Actually the point is not easy to get like targeted fanpage if we want to try and try if you can build 1 just a quality fanpage in the future will be easier to build a new fp quality, and if you want made in the business area as a service like fanpage can also In doing.

Hopefully this article can be useful if there are still confused in building a good quality fanpage please leave a comment below.